CSS Scan 4.0
⚡️ CSS Scan is the fastest and easiest way to check, copy, and edit CSS. Check the CSS of any element you hover over instantly and copy all its rules with a single click.
Try the free demo on the website
🎁 Limited Deal: Washington's Birthday 🇺🇸
🔥 33% OFF - Be quick because this deal ends on February 23.
✨ 1 License: from $̶1̶5̶0̶ to $100
✨ 2 Licenses: from $̶3̶0̶0̶ to $150
🌟 5 Licenses: from $̶7̶5̶0̶ to $200
🌟 10 Licenses: from $̶1̶5̶0̶0̶ to $250
✅ Life-time deal. Use it forever. One-time payment.
🎁 Bonus: Buy CSS Scan now and you get 50% OFF on toast.log!
🚀 With CSS Scan, you can:
- Inspect elements on the fly quickly and easily
- Discover how your favorite websites are styled
- Copy any element you want
- Copy multiple elements with a single click
- Get clean CSS code when inspecting, without wasting time scrolling through infinite CSS rules on the browsers' Dev Tools.
- Finish your work faster
- Copy specific elements from frameworks, themes, or templates to use them without importing their huge and heavy CSS files.
- Export elements to Codepen to save them on the cloud (bookmark) and/or play with their code
- Convert regular CSS to Tailwind CSS in a click
- Find out which fonts websites use
- Easily see if elements are correctly aligned with the Grid and Guidelines features.
- Make quick edits on elements and experiments
- Discover the dimensions in pixels of any element
📦 What's inside:
- A CSS Scan lifetime license key that can be used in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge
- Chrome extension
- Firefox add-on
- Safari extension (macOS 10.12 or later required)
- Edge (Microsoft) add-on
- 50% OFF on toast.log
About the license:
🛠 Each license is limited to 3 simultaneous activations, which can be easily deactivated and activated again by yourself on mycssscan.com anytime.
🍰 If you buy a package of licenses (2, 5, or 10), they share the same key but can simultaneously activate it 6, 15, or 30 times.
🔑 License keys are for personal or private use. If shared publicly, they are going to be disabled.
Featured in:
CSS Tricks, Smashing Magazine, MacGeneration, Product Hunt, Designer News, t3n, and many more websites.
💪 Join 20,000+ professional developers from 116 countries using CSS Scan every day.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-star app on Gumroad; Product of the Day, Product of the Week, and Product of the Month on Product Hunt
😍 "This was an easy buy" - Brad Frost · Creator of Atomic Design
Hi! It's me, Guilherme 👋
I'm an independent developer, and working on CSS Scan, CSS Pro, toast.log, and Beach Nearby is something that I genuinely love.
I work full-time on this, so you'll ALWAYS receive automatic updates. By buying this, you help me keep the extension on a high-quality standard for YOU, and support me in keeping traveling around the world :)
Our friendship will begin here if you KILL 🔪 this buy button right now 🙌