
CSS Scan 4.0

202 ratings
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CSS Scan 4.0

202 ratings

⚡️ CSS Scan is the fastest and easiest way to check, copy, and edit CSS. Check the CSS of any element you hover over instantly and copy all its rules with a single click.

Try the free demo on the website


🎁 Limited Deal: Washington's Birthday 🇺🇸

🔥 33% OFF - Be quick because this deal ends on February 23.

✨ 1 License: from $̶1̶5̶0̶ to $100

✨ 2 Licenses: from $̶3̶0̶0̶ to $150

🌟  5 Licenses: from $̶7̶5̶0̶ to $200

🌟 10 Licenses: from $̶1̶5̶0̶0̶ to $250

✅ Life-time deal. Use it forever. One-time payment.

🎁 Bonus: Buy CSS Scan now and you get 50% OFF on toast.log!

🚀 With CSS Scan, you can:

  • Inspect elements on the fly quickly and easily
  • Discover how your favorite websites are styled
  • Copy any element you want
  • Copy multiple elements with a single click
  • Get clean CSS code when inspecting, without wasting time scrolling through infinite CSS rules on the browsers' Dev Tools.
  • Finish your work faster
  • Copy specific elements from frameworks, themes, or templates to use them without importing their huge and heavy CSS files.
  • Export elements to Codepen to save them on the cloud (bookmark) and/or play with their code
  • Convert regular CSS to Tailwind CSS in a click
  • Find out which fonts websites use
  • Easily see if elements are correctly aligned with the Grid and Guidelines features.
  • Make quick edits on elements and experiments
  • Discover the dimensions in pixels of any element

📦 What's inside:

  • A CSS Scan lifetime license key that can be used in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge
  • Chrome extension
  • Firefox add-on
  • Safari extension (macOS 10.12 or later required)
  • Edge (Microsoft) add-on
  • 50% OFF on toast.log

About the license:

🛠 Each license is limited to 3 simultaneous activations, which can be easily deactivated and activated again by yourself on mycssscan.com anytime.

🍰 If you buy a package of licenses (2, 5, or 10), they share the same key but can simultaneously activate it 6, 15, or 30 times.

🔑 License keys are for personal or private use. If shared publicly, they are going to be disabled.

Featured in:

CSS Tricks, Smashing Magazine, MacGeneration, Product Hunt, Designer News, t3n, and many more websites.

💪 Join 20,000+ professional developers from 116 countries using CSS Scan every day.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-star app on Gumroad; Product of the Day, Product of the Week, and Product of the Month on Product Hunt

😍 "This was an easy buy"Brad Frost · Creator of Atomic Design

Hi! It's me, Guilherme 👋

I'm an independent developer, and working on CSS Scan, CSS Pro, toast.log, and Beach Nearby is something that I genuinely love.

I work full-time on this, so you'll ALWAYS receive automatic updates. By buying this, you help me keep the extension on a high-quality standard for YOU, and support me in keeping traveling around the world :)

Our friendship will begin here if you KILL 🔪 this buy button right now 🙌

📜 Changelog

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Chrome Extension
Firefox Add-on
Safari Extension
Included. MacOS 10.12 or later required
Edge Add-on
License key
English, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Melayu, Français, Nederlands, Tiếng Việt, Türkçe, español, hrvatski, italiano, lietuvių, polski, português (Brasil), română, svenska, Српски, български, русский, 日本語, 中文 (简体), 中文 (繁體), 한국어 فارسی‎, हिन्दी, தமிழ், తెలుగు, العربية
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